Menu Reference
From Audacity Manual
Every command in Audacity should appear in one of the menus, and is documented on these pages:
Menu | What you'll find there |
Audacity (Mac Only) | About Audacity, Preferences, System Services, Show and Hide Audacity and other applications, and Quit. |
File | Working with Audacity project files and other audio files |
Edit | Altering the audio in your project |
View | Changing how Audacity and your project appear on screen. |
Transport | Control recording and playback. |
Tracks | Adding, aligning and labeling audio tracks. |
Generate | Creating new audio in your project. Audio generating plug-ins will also appear here. |
Effect | Processing the audio in your project. External Effects plug-ins will also appear in this menu. |
Analyze | Analyzing the audio in your project. External plug-ins that act on audio but don't produce audio output will appear here, as well as tools like Silence Finder and spectrograms. |
Window (Mac Only) | Minimize and zoom windows, choose the project window to bring to the front. |
Help | Short and detailed Help documents; license, build and audio device information. |