Menu Reference

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Every command in Audacity should appear in one of the menus, and is documented on these pages:
Menu What you'll find there
Audacity (Mac Only)About Audacity, Preferences, System Services, Show and Hide Audacity and other applications, and Quit.
FileWorking with Audacity project files and other audio files
EditAltering the audio in your project
ViewChanging how Audacity and your project appear on screen.
TransportControl recording and playback.
TracksAdding, aligning and labeling audio tracks.
GenerateCreating new audio in your project. Audio generating plug-ins will also appear here.
EffectProcessing the audio in your project. External Effects plug-ins will also appear in this menu.
AnalyzeAnalyzing the audio in your project. External plug-ins that act on audio but don't produce audio output will appear here, as well as tools like Silence Finder and spectrograms.
Window (Mac Only)Minimize and zoom windows, choose the project window to bring to the front.
HelpShort and detailed Help documents; license, build and audio device information.
Help Location