Apply Chain

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This function is similar to a "Macro" of commands which allows you to select a Chain (which is a sequence of commands created via Edit Chains) and apply it to either the current project, or to a specifically selected file or group of files.
Accessed by: File > Apply Chain...
image of Apply Chain dialog

Select Chain

Chain column header
Click on the Chain you want to apply.

Apply to Current Project

Apply the chain to the audio in the current project.

Apply to Files...

Note: you must have a new, empty Audacity Project window open to use this option.
Note: the purpose of this option is to apply the chain to a number of files (batch processing). The selected chain must include an "export" step, or the processed audio will not be saved.
  • A standard File Open dialog box will appear. You can select one or any number of audio files (WAV, AIF, MP3 or any other format that Audacity can Import, but not Audacity AUP project files) as long as they are in the same folder. For this reason it is convenient to first put all the audio files you want to process into one folder.
  • Navigate to that folder and select the audio files you want to process, then click "Open".
  • Each file will be imported into Audacity and processed, then exported in the format you chose in the chain. The processed files will be saved in a folder named "cleaned" in the same folder as the files - so the original files are not altered.
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